Monday, August 5, 2013

Minor League Baseball Player Strikes Out On One Pitch

Vinnie Catricala of the Midland RockHounds accomplished a rare and stupid feat, striking out on one pitch during a game on Thursday.

Credit umpire Ron Teague for the K. Here's how it went down: Catricala took the first pitch he saw from Corpus Christi Hooks pitcher Nick Tropeano, and Teague called it a strike. Catricala was unhappy with the call, and stepped out of the batter's box. Teague felt that Catricala was taking his sweet-ass time, and called a second strike. That's a rule, apparently, although it's rarely enforced.

Either Catricala didn't notice or didn't care, because he was still chilling outside the batter's box. A little over nine seconds later, Teague rung Catricala out, Catricala argued, and Teague ejected him. Then the scoreboard played some famous movie clips, and everybody laughed, while Catricala stomped away and presumably asked himself what he did in life to deserve this.

If you look at it in a different light, though, Tropeano earned the easiest strikeout of his career. Nice job, Nick!

h/t to our Jalopnik pal Matt Hardigree


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Football practice begins at Summerville High School

SUMMERVILLE, SC (WCSC)- Summerville High School football players returned to the field Friday morning for their first practice of the 2013 season.

The Green Wave, led by legendary head coach John McKissick, began practicing at 8 a.m. This was the first segment of their scheduled two-a-day practices.

The varsity team is looking to improve on last season's 7-5 record.

McKissick, who has been the head football coach at Summerville High since 1952, is entering his 62nd season. The 86-year-old coach has led the school to 10 state championships, and holds the record for most wins by a football coach at any level with 601 wins.

Summerville will begin their season on August 29 with a home game against Cane Bay.

Copyright 2013 WCSC. All rights reserved.


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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Language News How Google GOOG AT T T and Technology Companies are Opening up the World

Point Roberts, WA, New York, NY - August 2, 2013 ( newswire), providing global investing ideas in leading sectors including technology, issues a sector snapshot on developments and the market opportunity for language coding (all Unicode & all ASCII) technology and software. With apps like the AT&T Translator ( NYSE:T ) Google?s Android (NASDAQ :GOOG), The Bible App in 400 languages, all are working on changing worldwide DIGITAL communications.

Google is looking at how to take digital languages to the next level, and then it?s just a matter of time before language will no longer have any barriers and business and individuals will be able to communicate with anyone, anywhere in any language. And as Google says: they will bring everyone to the Internet by 2020.

A pioneer in the sector, Dr. Philip Payne, founder of Linguist's Software Inc. , started his company 30 years ago in Edmonds, WA not knowing the path to globalization that lay ahead. He grew his company to provide fonts and input from 200 to over 2000 languages over the last three decades, making it by far the largest linguistic software library of its kind. Now this new (IP) is ten times larger (language/font/key-guide & tool set) than Adobe, who used to be the world leader.

Ken Kinkel, CEO of Mergers & Acquisitions ( ) represents Dr. Payne?s exit strategy and retirement from Linguist's Software Inc. and understands the value of his language software to change the future of mobile and the internet communications.

"Google has said they will have everyone on the Internet by 2020. They are moving so fast that only companies with these 2000+ languages could have a chance to catch up to Google. Maybe even beat them, to what is now looking like a monopoly for Google by 2020. That?s an astonishing prediction and if it?s true, then the company that owns these 2,000 plus languages will be a perfect position to capitalize on this astonishing achievement. Being connected worldwide is one thing, but being able to communicate in practically every language of the world is quite another. Our client?s product makes this possible. Universal connectivity and now matched with the available in one?s own language - a perfect combination for the future of worldwide digital communications.

Other firms may even beat Google, to what is now looking like a worldwide monopoly for them by 2020. By using their cell phone dominance (and 6.3 billion cell phones that exist today, according to the UN) they could skip past the huge infrastructure that Google is now building in fiber, and power worldwide. And use existing cell technology to take these languages to world dominance right now and well before Google?s dominance by 2020.

Previous article reference:

How do you say "Apple" in 2000 Languages?

Linguist's Software Blazes the Path to Globalization for Web and Mobile Devices with Fonts and Keyboard Input for 2000 Languages

About Big ideas for global investors is a leader in investor stock research by sector, featuring stock news, commentary and trading alerts in leading sectors including biotech, tech, mining, energy, water, renewable energy, beverage stocks and more.

Disclaimer / Disclosure : The is a third party publisher of news and research Our sites do not make recommendations, but offer information portals to research news, articles, stock lists and recent research. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. Disclosure: Investorideas has been compensated for this article distribution

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Contact for more info on Linguist's Software, Inc.

Ken Kinkel CEO(at) 1-855-559-0100 x11


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Pilot ejects from jet off Va., rescued at sea

NORFOLK, Va. (AP) ? Two Air National Guard fighter jets clipped each other's wings midair, forcing one of the pilots to eject into the ocean and be rescued by a Coast Guard helicopter a few hours later off the Virginia coast, officials said Friday.

The other pilot involved in the collision was able to fly back to Joint Base Andrews, Md. Both jets were from the 113th Wing D.C. Air National Guard and were on a routine training mission Thursday night when the collision happened about 35 miles southeast of Chincoteague on Virginia's Eastern Shore.

Capt. Michael Odle, chief of public affairs for the air wing, said the jets collided when their wings clipped each other. Odle didn't specify the exact maneuvers the pilots were going through, but he noted that the air wing's pilots are frequently called upon to intercept aircraft that enter restricted airspace or lose communications in the Washington area. Those intercepts typically require aircraft to fly in close proximity.

The Air National Guard has not released the names of the pilots involved, but Odle said both are experienced pilots. One is a captain, and the other is a lieutenant colonel.

The Coast Guard said the pilot of the jet who was rescued early Friday is in good condition. Odle said the other pilot has already been evaluated by medical staff and released.

"We are extremely fortunate to have lost only metal, and not the life of one of our Airmen," Brig. Gen. Marc Sasseville, 113th Wing commander, said in a statement.

The Coast Guard said it was alerted to the pilot's ditching by a distress signal from his ejection seat at about 10:30 p.m. An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter that was based at Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City, N.C. arrived around midnight, according to the Coast Guard. It was faster to send the helicopter instead of a small boat from Chincoteague, said Petty Officer David Weydert, a spokesman for the Coast Guard's 5th District in Portsmouth, Va. At the time of the rescue, seas in the area were about 4 feet high.

Three other planes were also taking part in the training, and one remained in the area to help guide Coast Guard rescuers to the downed pilot, Odle said. The downed pilot was wearing a life vest and had a handheld radio with him in his life raft that enabled him to communicate with the pilot that remained in the area, according to the Coast Guard. That pilot relayed the information until the Coast Guard helicopter could get close enough to communicate directly.

Coast Guard Petty Officer 1st Class Bret Fogle, the rescue swimmer on the operation, said it was pitch black outside during the rescue, but the downed pilot followed his training and lit rescue flares so he could be found. He said the pilot's demeanor was calm when he reached him, even though his right knee was in an incredible amount of pain. He said putting the pilot on a board so he could be lifted into the helicopter felt like he was putting the pilot's knee through torture because it was swollen to the size of a grapefruit and appeared to be broken.

"He was actually just a very tough dude. When I saw his knee and saw how he was handling it, the first thing in my mind was like, 'How the hell do you get in this raft and why are you so calm?' His training kicked in obviously, because he did everything right."

Fogle said he's been a rescue swimmer for 13 years. This is the first time he or anyone else he knows has rescued a pilot that's had to eject into the water, but he said the Coast Guard regularly trains for such a scenario. He said the rescue was the highlight of his career.

"We'll usually rescue civilian fishermen or cruise ships," he said. "To actually be able to get the opportunity to help somebody out, to help this caliber of a person for what he does for our country and everything, is just a really neat feeling."


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Google Play Edition smartphones start receiving Android 4.3 (updated)

Google Play Edition smartphones start receiving Android 43

If you were wondering just how long it would take the Google Play Editions of the HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S 4 to get Android 4.3, we can now tell you: not long at all. Owners of both devices report that they're receiving over-the-air updates to the new OS. There isn't yet word of any GPE-specific additions, but we'll let you know if there are surprises in store.

Update: AnandTech has noticed a few GPE-specific changes. Most home screen icons appear larger, infrared now works on the HTC One, and Bluetooth-based internet tethering is now an option for the Galaxy S 4.

Filed under: , , , ,


Via: Brian Klug (Twitter), Ernesto Arias (Twitter)

Source: AnandTech


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Analysis: In Obamacare rate debate, price gets political

By Caroline Humer

NEW YORK (Reuters) - With the October 1 date for enrollment in the health insurance exchanges being created by Obamacare less than two months away, a war of numbers has been escalating.

Health insurance will cost way less. Or it will cost way more. It depends who you ask.

Residents of states that have embraced President Barack Obama's healthcare reform, including New York, California and Oregon, will save on health insurance, officials there say. In Indiana, Florida, Ohio and Georgia, where opposition to the healthcare law runs high, residents will suffer an unprecedented spike in costs, according to the states' insurance departments.

Fueling the divide is the creative use of statistics by states to support their political stance on Obamacare. And because there is no standard for how to compare premium prices for the new insurance plans, it is easy to turn the numbers into a political football, actuaries, exchange officials and health economists say.

"So much of what we are reading about these days is part of the ... back-and-forth of 'it's a disaster' or 'it's really going to be nirvana for consumers,'" said Jon Kingsdale, former head of the Massachusetts Health Connector insurance exchange and a managing director at the Wakely Group healthcare consultancy.

"For consumers, the real helpful information is going to come in October when they can get on the exchange and look at the full comparisons," Kingsdale said.

Enrolling enough consumers is key to making the healthcare overhaul work economically, with price considered the most important factor driving enrollment, according to insurance industry surveys.

"There is not necessarily one best way to do this," said Cori Uccello, an actuary who works as a fellow for the American Academy of Actuaries. "What is important when looking at these comparisons is understanding what the before and after are representing."

None of the figures account for the substantial government subsidies that are expected to apply to a majority of the uninsured who enroll next year. Also missing from the conversation is the makeup of each plans' doctor networks, the out-of-pocket costs like deductibles and co-insurance, and the exact premiums by age or location.

The Obama administration is counting on signing up 7 million uninsured Americans in the first full year of reform through the state exchanges, including 2.7 million younger and healthier consumers who are needed to offset the costs of sicker members.


States and the federal government are beginning marketing and education campaigns this month to win over the uninsured. At the same time, Obamacare's opponents are increasing calls to roll back the program. A government deadline this week to submit health plan prices for review has played into the battle, as individual states announce how prices are shaping up.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, said last month that prices for top-of-the line "platinum" and "gold" insurance plans would fall more than 50 percent compared to what individuals are paying for insurance they bought directly this year.

New York's insurance rates are currently among the highest in the country. The estimated decline in rates is based on an expectation that the number of New Yorkers who buy individual health plans will balloon from 17,000 people to 1 million in the next few years as the Congressional Budget Office has forecast, the state said.

Republican-led Indiana swung the opposite way, saying insurance costs would rise by 72 percent in 2014 compared with 2012. Indiana added to its model costs such as deductibles, prescription rates and co-insurance or co-payments, the only state that appears to have done so.

The federal government has also entered the fray, saying that prices in 10 states and Washington, D.C., on average will be 18 percent lower than what the Congressional Budget Office estimated for the mid-range or "silver" plans.

To get to the 18 percent figure, the Department of Health and Human Services compared proposed premium prices with a figure derived from a forecast by the CBO, the non-partisan research arm of Congress. HHS used the CBO forecast of an annual premium of $15,400 in 2016 for a family, and divided by 2.7 people to arrive at an estimate for an individual in 2014.

Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former head of the Congressional Budget Office, says the HHS report relies largely on data from states taking an active role in implementing Obamacare, suggesting that the government has cherry-picked the results.

"It's not a random sample. It's from states that have set up their own exchanges and are sympathetic to the cause," said Holtz-Eakin, who now heads the center-right American Action Forum.

HHS declined to comment on the various ways that rate data are being presented. In the study, it said it aimed "to move from theoretical arguments to data-driven analysis."

But many observing the cost debate say that too many unknowns remain to say if the estimates are right - or wrong.

"I don't know whether this 18 percent is right or not," said Jay Angoff, a lawyer at Mehri & Skalet who previously worked at HHS as director of the Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight, referring to the HHS report. "There are other factors than actuarial analysis that affect the rates. This is a huge new market that is going to be heavily subsidized."

(Additional reporting by Sharon Begley; Editing by Michele Gershberg and Leslie Adler)


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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Largest neuronal network simulation to date achieved using Japanese supercomputer

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Scientists have carried out the largest general neuronal network simulation to date.


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Pets of the Week | The Salt Lake Tribune

Ditsi ? A 2-year-old Torti Point Siamese, her cerebral hyperplasia makes her a little unsteady on her feet, but it doesn?t hinder her playful nature. Ditsi would thrive in a family of older children and adults.

Pets of the Week

First Published Aug 01 2013 07:55 am ? Last Updated Aug 01 2013 07:55 am

Ditsi ? A 2-year-old Torti Point Siamese, her cerebral hyperplasia makes her a little unsteady on her feet, but it doesn?t hinder her playful nature. Ditsi would thrive in a family of older children and adults.

Hero ? As you can see in the photo, Hero has a wide smile that reveals his joyful nature. The 8-year-old Australian Cattle Dog is well-trained and easily motivated by belly rubs or treats.

Visit Salt Lake County Animal Services at 511 W. 3900 South or

Copyright 2013 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Friday, August 2, 2013

Cool heads likely won't prevail in a hotter, wetter world: Climate change will likely exacerbate violence

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Researchers report that even slight spikes in temperature and precipitation greatly increase the risk of personal and civil violence, and suggest that more human conflict is a likely outcome of climate change.


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Avoid US taxes by forming a foreign merger


July 31, 2013 at 5:23 PM ET

A tactic to avoid corporate taxes has U.S. companies on the move?merging with foreign firms and then setting up residence overseas.

On Monday, Michigan-based medicine manufacturer Perrigo agreed to buy the Irish drug company Elan for $8.6 billion. In the bargain, the combined company's headquarters will be in Ireland, which has a corporate tax rate of 12.5 percent, versus 35 percent in the U.S.

Just the day before, American advertising giant Omnicom Group announced plans for a $35 billion merger with France's Publicis Groupe, saying that the combined company's tax residence will be in the Netherlands, which has a 25 percent corporate tax rate.

(Read more: 3 mergers Cramer says investors shouldn't miss)

Analysts say such mergers are likely to continue.

"Without tax reform in the U.S., I think you will see more of these types of deals," said Ian Shane, a tax lawyer at Golenbock Eiseman Assor Bell & Peskoe.

"You have to start from the premise that most tax laws are a decade behind how business is done," he said. "More companies are global and looking globally, and taxes are part of the bottom line."

Calls to Omnicom from CNBC to discuss the tax issue in detail with were not immediately returned. A spokesman for Perrigo refused to speak on the record for this story.

In a conference call for reporters after Perrigo's announcement, however, Chief Financial Officer Nigel Cherkin acknowledged that being in Ireland would provide the company with more than $2 billion in tax deductions.

And Omnicom's CEO John Wren confirmed in a conference call after his firm's merger announcement that residence in the Netherlands was for tax purposes.

Michael Schwartz, director of accounting and taxes at the advisory firm WeiserMazars, said, "There is a tax on U.S. firms bringing profits from overseas, but if you're incorporated abroad, [the United States] can't tax it if you've merged with another company."

These recent mergers fly in the face of heavy criticism from those who say U.S.corporations don't pay their fair share of taxes in the first place and that loopholes allow most of them to avoid paying the full 35 percent rate.

In a Senate subcommittee hearing this past May, Apple was severely chastised for avoiding tens of billions of dollars in U.S. taxes on its income (all legally) by shifting the funds through a global web of offshore entities, including three that had no tax residency in any nation.

A report from the committee before the hearings said that those three entities were run by some of Apple's top executives but were located, on paper, in Ireland, though they in some cases had no employees.

(Read more:Experts predict long antitrust road for Omnicom, Publicis)

One entity reported $30 billion in net income for 2009-12, yet filed no corporate tax return and paid no income taxes to any government during those years, according to the report.

CEO Tim Cook defended Apple at the time saying, "We pay all the taxes we owe?every single dollar." He also insisted that the company doesn't rely on tax "gimmicks" and doesn't "stash money on some Caribbean island."

But it isn't necessary for U.S. firms to stash away money or rely on gimmicks in today's global economy, according to Shane, the tax lawyer.

"Countries in Europe and elsewhere are competing with each other with lower tax rates to bring in firms and have them headquartered there," Shane said. "They need revenues, but lower tax rates that bring in firms are much better than higher tax rates and not having anyone there," he added.

"Just look at the Netherlands," Shane said. "Firms headquartered there don't have to face rigid tax rules.They can apply for a ruling on the amount they want to pay and get it approved or not, just as long as they pay some taxes."

But a study released in December on U.S. corporate taxes stated that new companies are not avoiding the country in favor of tax havens. Among 918 new companies identified as multinationals with headquarters in the United States, just 27 were legally incorporated in tax havens.

"I think we can fine-tune our laws, but I don't see them as all that complicated," said Schwartz at WeiserMazars.

"Businesses don't all think alike when it comes to what they want when it comes to taxes. I actually think other countries will start to lean toward our model going forward," he said.

U.S. firms first pay income taxes to the countries in which profits were earned; the then pay additional U.S. taxes on any profits they bring home.

But since companies receive a tax credit for paying a foreign tax, the amount of tax they pay on foreign profits in the U.S. is equal to the difference between the U.S. rate and the foreign one. (For instance, a $100 profit in England at that country's 23 percent tax rate would come to $23 in those taxes. The amount paid to the U.S. on that $100 would total $12?the difference between 35 and 23.)

In a speech Tuesday, President Barack Obama said he wants to cut the corporate tax rate of 35 percent to 28 percent and give manufacturers a preferred rate of 25 percent. He also wants a minimum tax on foreign earnings as a tool against corporate tax avoidance and increased use of tax havens.

(Read more: Obama proposes 'grand bargain' on corporate tax rate, infrastructure)

But he tied the reform and the money generated by the tax overhaul to a mix of proposals such as funding for infrastructure projects and improving education at community colleges.

Congressional Republicans immediately condemned the plan, saying it further backs Obama's policies on taxes and spending "while leaving small businesses and American families behind." The GOP prefers a flat tax on corporate profits.

"They talk tax reform, but it's not going to happen," Shane said. "There's too much gridlock."

"In the meantime, U.S. firms will continue to explore other countries for what they think are better tax laws," he said.

? 2013 CNBC LLC. All Rights Reserved


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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Acclaimed Texas author John Graves dead at 92

by Associated Press

Associated Press

Posted on July 31, 2013 at 7:05 PM

Updated today at 3:02 AM

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) ? Author John Graves, whose 1960 book "Goodbye to a River" and authentic depictions of rural Texas made him one of the state's most celebrated and beloved writers, has died. He was 92.

Graves died Wednesday at his home near Glen Rose, said W.K. "Kip" Stratton, president of the Texas Institute of Letters. Stratton did not know the cause of death but said Graves had been in declining health since breaking his hip several years ago.

Graves was best known for "Goodbye to a River," a memoir of a canoe trip down the Brazos River that chronicled nature in masterful language and used history and philosophy to capture a sense of place. It has endured as one of the most acclaimed books about Texas and was nominated for a National Book Award.

Graves also wrote "Hard Scrabble" in 1974 and "From a Limestone Ledge" in 1980. The books became known as his "Brazos Trilogy." His fans included former first lady Laura Bush, who often listed "Goodbye to a River" as one of her favorites.

Admirers of Graves often called him the Henry David Thoreau of Texas.

"His prose seemed to reflect the state of Texas and its roots," Stratton said. "It was a marvelous prose style that no one else could match."

Larry McMurtry, the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist who wrote "Lonesome Dove" and "Terms of Endearment," lauded Graves' talents in a 1981 essay for the Texas Observer.

"He is popularly thought to be a kind of country explainer, when in fact he seems more interested in increasing our store of mysteries than our store of knowledge," McMurtry wrote. "He loves the obscure, indeterminate nature of rural legend and likes nothing better than to retell stories the full truth of which can never be known."

Graves was born in Fort Worth on Aug. 6, 1920. He studied literature at Rice University and was drafted into the military soon after graduating. He lost sight in one eye during battle and returned home to try his hand at fiction, but never felt like he was good enough at it, said Mark Busby, a professor at Texas State University who wrote a 2007 book about Graves.

It was not long after Graves returned to Texas that he took his voyage on the Brazos that made his legacy. Graves was supposed to write an article about the trip for Sports Illustrated, but Busby said the piece was rejected for being too philosophical.

Three years after taking the canoe ride, "Goodbye to a River" was published.

"He was a master stylist. People who know his work can read a paragraph of his and say, 'Oh, that's John Graves' the same way you could do with a Hemingway or a Faulkner," Busby said.

Graves is survived by his wife and two daughters.


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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Announcer-Free TV? Detroit's Baseball Fans Say Yes, Please

Baseball fans often declare their love of the game's rhythm, its quiet pauses and bursts of action. For such people, watching a game on TV can be a struggle, particularly if they're annoyed by the chatter of announcers. Fans in Detroit had another option last night: watching a TV broadcast that included only the natural sounds of the ballpark.

On its "Plus" channel, Fox Sports Detroit offered fans a feed of Tuesday night's game pitting the Tigers against the Washington Nationals, titled "Natural Sounds at Comerica Park." The program's only voices came from the field and the stands.

The broadcast was enhanced by "extra microphones around the park so viewers can hear more of the sounds of baseball ? the bat cracks, ball popping in the mitt, vendors chiming in from the stands and the crowd's reaction to every play on the field," said Fox Sports Detroit's general manager, Greg Hammaren.

As the Awful Announcing site notes, the move was a hit with many viewers, who took to Twitter to call the broadcast "awesome." Others said, "Wish it was like this every game."

The experiment by Fox Sports Detroit follows in the footsteps of the famous NBC broadcast from 1980, when an NFL game between the New York Jets and the Miami Dolphins was aired without announcers providing play-by-play commentary or analysis.

And as large and complex events such as the Olympics and soccer's World Cup broaden their online offerings, fans can often find live streaming video of competitions that include only the ambient sounds of the arena.

Fox Sports Detroit will have another announcer-free game at the end of August. But Awful Announcing's Matt Yoder says fans shouldn't expect to see such games on a regular basis.

"There's a reason the play-by-play man has had a job for decades ? game broadcasts usually need a narrative and layer of context to what's happening on the field," Yoder writes. "More importantly, we'd be out of a job."

Still, he adds, "one also wonders if Fox would ever look into the 'natural sounds' feed for the World Series given the, ahem, 'popularity' of Joe Buck and Tim McCarver with many baseball fans."


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Texas A&M lineman killed in rollover crash

In this Dec. 3, 2010 file photo, Trinity High School football players  Polo Manukainiu (94) and Paul Tuipulotu (35) perform a "Haka" with the team before a game against Coppell in Southlake, Texas. Texas A&M officials say freshman NCAA college football defensive lineman Polo Manukainiu died in a rollover crash, Monday, July 29, 2013, in New Mexico during a trip home from Utah.  New Mexico State Police say Gaius Vaenuku, an incoming member of the Utah football team, also died after the wreck. Manukainiu was a 19-year-old redshirt freshman. (AP Photo/The Dallas Morning News, John F. Rhodes)  MANDATORY CREDIT; MAGS OUT; TV OUT; INTERNET USE BY AP MEMBERS ONLY; NO SALES

John F. Rhodes/AP

Texas A&M redshirt freshman Polo Manukainiu, seen here (l.) playing for Trinity HS in Texas in 2010, was killed when the car he was a passenger in rolled over on a New Mexico highway.

Texas A&M said Tuesday that redshirt freshman Polo Manukainiu and a teenager joining the Utah football team this fall were among three people killed in a single-car rollover crash in the high desert of northern New Mexico, just days before fall practices begin.

Manukainiu, a defensive lineman for the Aggies, and Gaius ?Keio? Vaenuku were among three teens killed in the wreck, officials from both schools said. One of the survivors, Salesi Uhatafe, is an incoming freshman football player for Utah.

The wreck happened Monday evening on U.S. 550 near Cuba, about 85 miles north of Albuquerque. State police said Manukainiu, 19, and Vaenuku, 18, were passengers in a southbound 2002 Toyota Sequoia, according to the school?s statement.

The vehicle drifted off of the road, the driver overcorrected, and the vehicle rolled several times.

Manukainiu and another passenger, Andrew Uhatafe, were ejected and died at the scene, the statement said. It was not immediately known if he was related to Salesi Uhatafe.

Vaenuku was transported from the scene but was pronounced dead in an ambulance. The driver and another passenger were transported to a hospital with minor injuries. Officials said alcohol wasn?t involved and it appeared the driver was the only one wearing a seatbelt.

Manukainiu played football at Trinity High School in Euless, Texas, west of Dallas, and was part of the Aggies? 2012 signing class. He was a recreation, parks and tourism science major, the school said, and is survived by his mother, Lima Uhatafe of Euless.

?We lost a terrific young man,? Texas A&M coach Kevin Sumlin said. ?Polo was loved by his teammates and coaches. Anyone who came in contact with him was struck by his sense of humor and smile. My heart aches for his mom and family members.?

Texas A&M finished last season ranked No. 5 after an 11-2 season, their first in the Southeastern Conference. They were led by quarterback Johnny Manziel, who became the first freshman to win the Heisman Trophy, and are expected to be highly ranked again this year.

It is the second such tragedy for Texas A&M in less than two years: Senior offensive lineman Joseph Villavisencio, 22, was killed in a December 2011 car accident after veering head-on into the path of an 18-wheeler 40 miles from College Station. He had spent part of that day delivering gifts to families at a local shelter. Manziel mentioned Villavisencio during his Heisman acceptance speech last year.


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Software to Help Free Breast Cancer Gene Data - Technology Review

A Silicon Valley genome sciences startup has joined an initiative to help doctors interpret the risks associated with gene variants linked to breast and ovarian cancer.

Syapse develops software platforms for aggregating and structuring medical data, including genomic information, that is collected by diagnostic companies, biotech and hospitals. The idea is to create medical records that are savvy to genomics and other data-intensive biomedical information?so that doctors can better diagnose and treat patients using that data.

One way such medical records could achieve that goal is by promoting data sharing. At this early stage of medical genomics, doctors may not always know how a particular DNA variant can affect their patients? health. What?s needed is a common database that links DNA variants to medical outcomes.

On Monday, Syapse announced that it will provide the software infrastructure necessary to create such a database for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Until this June?s ruling by the Supreme Court on gene patents, BRCA1 and BRCA2 had been patented by Myriad Genetics. The court largely overruled the company?s patents (see ?U.S. Supreme Court Says ?Natural? Human Genes May Not Be Patented?), which freed other companies and researchers to test patients for variants in the BRCA genes.

However, as physician and medical geneticist Robert Nussbaum described in a piece he wrote for MIT Technology Review,?Myriad still has control over the vital information that links variants within the genes to clinical outcomes?a private database of DNA mutations and their medical associations:

?This unparalleled record of the natural variation in these important genes, collected from patients, is claimed to be Myriad?s own intellectual property [?] Having clinical reports locked up in a single laboratory, treated as intellectual property, with a black-box, nontransparent protocol for assessing?the clinical significance of these variants is not good medicine.?

That power over medical data inspired Nussbaum to start an initiative to collect such information from doctors and patients on a volunteer basis (see ?Free Our Genetic Data?). Nussbaum started the Sharing Clinical Reports Project about a year ago and he anticipates that the initiative will have tens of thousands of reports in the coming year. That?s where Syapse comes in? the company?s software will let doctors analyze, annotate and organize that data. In a released statement, Sharon Terry, CEO and president of Genetic Alliance, one of the founders of the BRCA data initiative, says that Syapse has the ?best platform for integrating complex genomics and clinical data from disparate sources.?

The issue of data sharing is not limited to the case of the formerly patented BRCA genes. If genomics is going to change medicine, doctors from many disciplines will need to share their findings of how genetic variants impacted a patient?s disease and treatment response (see ?By Simply Sharing, Doctors Could Unlock the Genome?s Potential?). ?Competitiveness between diagnostic companies and even hospitals may hinder data sharing, but in some cases it may come down to a lack of a convenient (and privacy-protecting) way to share such data. Companies like Syapse and its competitors could help fill that gap. ??


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Trade Fight Over Solar Benefits a Bystander

[unable to retrieve full-text content]A U.S. tariff ruling against China created a loophole that has benefited Taiwanese manufacturers.


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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

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Put a Stop to the Ant Invasion

July 29, 2013 3:06 PM Text Size: A . A . A Q

We finally got rid of our ant infestation this winter, but now they're back. Any suggestions that don't involve toxic insecticides?

AAnts invade houses to forage for food, especially during cold, rainy winters and again during hot, dry summers. Without insecticides you'll have to make life difficult for them so they'll eventually move on. First, figure out how they're getting in, and then try to block their access. Apply weather stripping to windows and exterior doors, and caulk cracks in foundations and walls. If you can't seal these entry points, use a nontoxic insect repellent there instead. We've heard of people using everything from mint tea to artificial sweeteners to commercial products such as Orange Guard?all with varying results. Do some Internet research and brew your own; you might be surprised how effective it is. Or isn't. Finally, your ants are probably workers scouting for food, so keep your countertops and floors clean, especially near doors, windows, and anywhere else you think they're getting in.


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The Insiders: The consequences of affordable green-energy options

Is the electricity industry next in line to be disrupted? ?And are the disruptors the next powerful political grass-roots movement?

As the cost of green energy such as solar and geothermal has come down, in part due to government subsidies and in part due to technological advancement, traditional utilities are starting to cast a wary eye toward customers who are unplugging from their traditional energy sources. As a supporter of green energy (we have a geothermal-powered house) and as a member of a firm that works for a number of clients who produce lower or zero-carbon energy, ?this is a welcome development ? but with a caveat.


A contractor from Green Mountain Energy Company installs solar rooftop panels at a home in Northern California. The home solar systems decrease dependence on utility service, reduce electricity bills, provide some protection from energy rate increases and can increase property value. For more information, visit (PRNewsFoto/Green Mountain Energy Company)

A contractor from Green Mountain Energy Company installs solar rooftop panels at a home in Northern California.(PRNewsFoto/Green Mountain Energy Company)

One potential consequence of this shift could be less investment in the electric grid, and that is worrisome. ?Here?s how this happens and why it matters: When you pay your utility bill, part of it goes to maintaining the network of wires and cables that shuttles electricity around the nation and your state and eventually to your door. The electricity grid, which has long been a bit of an orphan in the nation?s energy system because companies view it as a necessary cost ?and not as a revenue generator, is absolutely essential to national security, energy reliability and the wide distribution and dispersion of green energy. (Disclosure: My father-in-law is the former chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and a leading expert on the grid, but don?t blame him for these comments.) As fewer people pay utility bills, there is less money to maintain the grid, which is a bad thing.

We saw something similar happen in the communications industry. ?Cellphones completely revolutionized the industry, and then broadband did. The industry went through massive consolidation as only larger companies had the capital and staying power to make the transition. They faced the prospect of their old networks becoming relics and the need to invest hundreds of billions of dollars in new broadband networks, often in advance of new revenue. This investment enabled the disruptive genius of companies such as Apple and Facebook and countless other technology start-ups. But when the network builders wanted to tier their pricing to recoup their investment and make a profit, a powerful political combustion happened: A bipartisan, ideologically diverse group of early technology adapters went crazy and pressured Congress and the Federal Communications Commission to block anything that interfered with ?network neutrality,? which could be defined broadly as any action that interfered with unfettered access to the Web. (Charging content or gaming companies higher rates for faster access fell under this category, for example.)?This loose coalition remains a powerful political force even as network neutrality has faded some as an issue. ?In January 2012, it launched a massive protest against legislation to stop online piracy, arguing that some of the bill?s provisions amounted to censorship of the Internet. ?Within days, the bill, backed by many powerful interests, was dead.

Now back to the energy industry. It faces some unpalatable options to maintain investment in its network: Try to charge customers who unplug; try to raise rates for everyone else; fight subsidies for green energy so it becomes less attractive. Good luck with all that. It will run into a new brick wall of grass-roots opposition, people who have become empowered by unplugging from traditional utility bills. This movement will have environmentalists and tea-party libertarians among their ranks, and it will be strong. ?I just hope this movement gives consideration to the larger consequences of disinvesting in the grid, but as I read that phrase it seems awfully na?ve.


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Ghana Business News ? Government to develop cyber security policy

You Are Here: Home ? ICT ? Government to develop cyber security policy

Page last updated at Monday, July 29, 2013 18:18 PM //

cyber-crimeGovernment is developing a National Cyber Security Policy framework and strategy to deal with cyber threats, Ms Victoria Hamah, Deputy Minister of Communications said on Monday.

Consequently, an agreement had been signed with the International Telecommunication Union to help develop a national Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), to react rapidly to security threats that may affect the national security and well-being of Ghanaians using the cyber space.

Ms Hamah made this known at the opening session of the Ghana Network Operators? Group (GhNOG) workshop organised in Accra.

The four-day workshop is an annual event that draws participants from the public and private sectors to discuss issues about the adoption, design, implementation and management of networks and associated technologies in government, academia and industry.

Ms Hamah said Government is poised to drift towards an information economy and is in the process of upgrading the critical national infrastructural development through the support of the US.

?An I-root server project is in progress while the Ghana Internet Exchange will be expanded to have hubs in Takoradi, Kumasi and Tamale,? she said.

Ms Hamah said the upgrade would ensure that access to information would be very fast whilst bandwidth utilisation would be optimal.

She expressed optimism that the workshop would build on the capacity of participants to manage the CERT and other networks.

Ms Hamah called on the Information Technology Association of Ghana (ITAG) and the National Information Technology Agency (NITA)to begin the accreditation process to ensure that all capacity developed are properly harnessed and accessible in a timely manner by government and the private sector to ensure no skills gap in the management of the emerging infrastructure.

Mr William Tevie, Director General of NITA said the Agency is working to design guidelines to make information technology (IT) practices more efficient and effective.

?NITA will be glad to have tutorial at future GhNOG workshops where these guidelines can be shared with the technical community for adoption to enhance development of the IT profession in Ghana,? he added.

Mr Tevie said ITAG is currently working toward a membership that would be based on professional competence and experience, adding a national database based on certified IT practitioners would soon be published.

?It is my hope that once this has been done, persons with skills from such workshops will be duly recognised and tapped for national development,? he added.

Mr Tevie underscored the importance of the GhNoG platform and called on partner organisations to the GhNOG to join hands with NITA to upgrade the national Critical Internet Infrastructure (CII) that would be deployed soon.

?Our desire is to have a multi-stakeholder approach in developing the CII,? he said.

Professor Anthony K Ahiawodzi, Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of Professional Studies, Accra, said information and communication technology is crucial to the delivery of education in the 21st Century.

?Not only does it grant institutions of higher learning the ability to enhance teaching, learning and research capacity, it also offers the opportunity to extend reach through distance learning; thus positioning the institutions to address the challenges and responsibilities facing higher education?,?he said.

Prof? Ahiawodzi said the University is grateful for the partnership that exist between the Ghana Chapter of Internet Society, a non-governmental organisation, NITA and the University system aimed at driving innovation and enhancing competitiveness of the institutions of higher learning.

He stressed the need to for the leverage on emerging technologies to facilitate collaboration between university administrators, faculty, students? to use related technologies to develop portfolios, course assignments, standards and outcome based projects, to enable students to access and submit assignments online.

Source: GNA



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Online gaming and great gaming accessories | Leet Games Blog ...


The world of PC and online games has grown significantly in recent years, and for good reason. Not only has computing power dramatically increased, but the access to high speed internet through broadband connections has enabled an immense amount of data to be sent and received nearly instantaneously. The result is smoother running flash games, lightning-speed downloads and the ability to play games that are far more advanced than anything that could have been conceived only a decade ago. Visit TalkTalk for great broadband deals.

This trend is set to continue into the foreseeable future. So let us take a quick look at some of the most popular types of online games and the accessories that make these experiences truly memorable.

Role-Playing Games

One of the online gaming platforms that has received considerable attention is what is known as a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Otherwise known as an MMORPG, the player has the chance to interact, communicate and compete against other individuals from across the nation or around the world. Not only are the graphics impressive, but the modular capacity of many such games allows players to create and modify their own characters; thus creating a ?world within a world?. The end result is a gaming scenario that is highly malleable and immensely entertaining.

Online Casinos

Another benefit derived from high-speed internet is the ability to play numerous flash games that to not require a download. This is one of the main reasons why online casinos have become exceedingly popular in recent times. Games such as Blackjack, Texas Hold?em and online slots prove quite popular amongst players of all ages and this popularity is expected to grow as broadband access continues to become more common around the world.

Flight Simulators

One of the fastest growing types of online game is the flight simulator. As opposed to the mediocre graphics and rather dull reaction time of some previous models, modern games are approaching a realism rivalled only in professional flight training schools. A wide variety of airplanes and even fighter jets can be chosen. A testament to this unsurpassed realism is the fact that many flight schools now recommend these ?games? to pilot trainees.

Gaming Accessories

It should come as no surprise that the advent of such modern games dictates the integration of highly specialised gaming accessories. While some of us may still harken back to the days of a simple joystick or a rather inaccurate light gun, 21st century devices represent some of the most cutting-edge technologies currently available here.

Control Pads

Many of the most streamlined PC controllers make use of the traditional PlayStation layout. In addition to this basic design, a growing majority of these devices are now wireless, thus adding to their mobility. They have become highly sensitive and are much lighter than previous models. However, their durability has also greatly increased while the addition of a vibration function brings many action-based PC games to life.


As opposed to the days when a joystick only allowed a limited number of functions, modern models are now highly advanced and their sensitivity is able to be adjusted in relation to the game being played. Many such units have become popular amongst flight simulator enthusiasts, but these accessories can be used in first-person shooter games and any game where accuracy and mobility are essential. Some have even become so specialised that a specific game will require a certain model of joystick.

Virtual Steering Wheels

Nothing brings the realism of an online racing game to life like a well-engineered steering wheel. For more information on costs, reviews and types, visit Top Ten Reviews which offers great insight. Many of these will mirror the reaction times, responsiveness and sensitivity that would be found in the real world. In addition, the most advanced models will come equipped with brake and acceleration pedals along with a manual shift. Thus, a realism can be achieved that will far outweigh anything possible a few years back.

These games and their associated accessories truly represent some of the most advanced technologies currently available to avid online gamers. As processing power and broadband access continue to increase at a near exponential rate, we can likewise assume that these games and their accessories will progress in a similar fashion.


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Friday, July 26, 2013

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I'm Going to Turn All My Instagram Pictures Into Oil Paintings

I'm Going to Turn All My Instagram Pictures Into Oil Paintings

How much do you like your Instagram pictures? Enough to get a few likes? Enough to think you'd kick ass as a photographer? Enough to convert them into amazing oil paintings that you can hang on your wall? Pixelist is a company that's trying to turn your Instagram photos into hand-made oil paintings that will live forever on canvas. How will those pictures of food and sunset and feet pictures look now?



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UK recovery gains steam with 0.6 pct growth in Q2

LONDON (AP) ? The British economy grew by 0.6 percent in the first quarter compared with the previous three months, amid strong performances from nearly all the country's main industries.

The increase in annual gross domestic product, as reported by the Office for National Statistics Thursday, was double the previous quarter's rate but in line with market expectations. The UK's service, agriculture, manufacturing and construction industries all posted increases.

"Excluding last summer's boost from the Olympics, the rise was the strongest for almost two years," said Chris Williamson, the chief economist at

"Prospects look good for a continuation of the recovery in the third quarter, with consumers and businesses both helping drive the upturn."

Despite the increase, the UK economy is still smaller than it was before the 2008 economic crisis. Economic growth in this quarter is estimated to be 3.3 percent below the peak of the first three months of 2008.

Vicky Redwood of Capital Economics urged caution despite the uptick because real pay is still falling, bank lending is flat and government austerity measures are building.

"Of course, we shouldn't get too carried away," she wrote in a statement. "Even a 0.6 percent quarterly rise is fairly mediocre after such a deep recession."

Nonetheless, the increase in GDP will likely give the UK government a bit of breathing space amid criticism over its tough austerity policies. Critics say that despite the improvement in overall growth, many people in Britain are failing to see an improvement in their living standards.

The International Monetary Fund has suggested that the government might want to reconsider the pace of its austerity measures to help the economy, whose output was worth 1.4 trillion pounds ($2.1 trillion) in 2012.

Redwood added that as part of the move to get the UK's economy moving again, it was important for the Bank of England to reassure the markets that interest rates will stay low even as the recovery gains momentum.

Associated Press


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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Middle East unrest continues to roil oil markets

While the poles are shifting away from the Middle East in terms of oil production, global economic concerns and conditions remained anchored solidly to the region, Graeber writes.?

By Daniel J. Graeber,?Guest blogger / July 23, 2013

The Zueitina oil terminal is shown in Zueitina, Libya, about 75 miles west of Benghazi after protestors shut down the port last week, demanding better employment prospects.

Esam Al-Fetori/Reuters/File


Labor demonstrations in eastern Libya have forced the closure of a key port for nearly a week. A small band of protesters have created big problems for the country as it tries to chart a sustainable course nearly two years after revolution. The revival of some oil developments in Libya in early July helped pull oil prices back from 15-month highs. The post-revolutionary government, however, has shown it doesn't quite have the foundation built to succeed economically this early in the game. The internal failures of Arab governments, meanwhile, are starting to have global implications that extend beyond foreign affairs. Without some advances, the region may start to bring the rest of the world down with it.

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Libyan authorities?said?the situation in the eastern port of Zueitina is much as it was last week when a small group of protesters managed to shut the port down, demanding better employment prospects.?Oil production?from Libya hasn't yet returned to its pre-war levels. The problem is exacerbated further when considering facilities tied to the port handle about 20 percent of Libya's oil exports. When war closed most of Libya down in 2011, the International Energy Agency called for a release of strategic petroleum reserves. There's no immediate sign that will happen this time around because political tensions appear more of a market driver than supply issues.?(Related Article:?Australia ? Next Petro Superstate?)

U.S. crude oil prices July 8 fell from a 15-month high to settle at $103.14 in response to word the Sharara oil field in Libya was about toresume?operations after authorities there reached a deal with armed bandits, who closed it down in June. Oil markets by then had been reacting to the July 3rd ouster of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi. By?Monday, crude oil was trading at $107.10, nearly 4 percent higher than when analysts were?predicting?the bulls had run out of steam because of Libyan expectations.?

Most passengers rescued after asylum seekers boat sinks off Indonesia

JAKARTA (Reuters) - Three people died but another 157 suspected asylum seekers were rescued after their boat sank off the southern coast of Indonesia, officials said on Wednesday after earlier reports that as many as 60 may have perished.

The latest case of a boat sinking while attempting the perilous journey came five days after Australia slammed the door on would-be refugees with a deal to send all boat arrivals to Papua New Guinea for assessment and eventual settlement.

The debate over refugees and people smuggling has long been a hot political issue in Australia and has intensified with an election looming in a few weeks.

Earlier on Wednesday, News Ltd and other Australian media reported that the boat was carrying as many as 170 people and that up to 60 were feared dead or missing.

Indonesian emergency authorities however said later that 160 people were on board and that three had died, two women and a 12-year-old boy from Sri Lanka.

"(The survivors) have been taken to a temporary immigration holding facility ... They seem fine," Rochmali, the head of the search and rescue office for West Java, told Reuters.

There were also conflicting reports about the nationalities of those on board. They were described variously as coming from Iran, Iraq and Bangladesh, as well as Sri Lanka.

The boat capsized late on Tuesday after hitting a reef off the coast of Sukapura, about 270 km (170 miles) south of the capital Jakarta, said Rochmali, who like many Indonesians uses one name.

Since 2001, about 1,000 people have died while trying to reach Australia's Indian Ocean territory of Christmas Island in unseaworthy boats. More than 15,000 asylum seekers have arrived by boat in Australian territory this year.

On Friday, Canberra announced tough new measures to stem a sharp increase in the number of refugee boats heading for Australia from Indonesia.

The new plans have been condemned by human rights groups, with Amnesty International accusing it of shirking its moral obligations to help the world's most vulnerable people.

Shortly after Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visited Indonesia this month, Jakarta said it would stop giving Iranians visas on arrival, making it harder for them to use the Southeast Asian country as a route to seek refuge in Australia.

Australia last year reopened immigration detention centers on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea, and on the remote South Pacific island nation of Nauru, in order to deter boat arrivals.

A former guard at Manus Island told Australian television on Tuesday of the poor conditions on Manus and said detainees were sexually abused and tortured by other inmates with no intervention by staff.

Australian Immigration Minister Tony Burke said he would travel to Manus to inspect conditions, but said Australia remained committed to expanding the Manus detention center and to sending all boat arrivals to Papua New Guinea.

The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) earlier this month found major shortcomings with the Manus center, with cramped living quarters and asylum seekers reporting issues with the heat, privacy, hygiene and access to medical services.

(Reporting by Fergus Jensen and Lenita Sulthani in JAKARTA and Maggie Lu Yueyang in SYDNEY; Writing by Jonathan Thatcher; Editing by Paul Tait)


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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

LG 55LA8600

Never let it be said that LG doesn't know how to make a fashion statement. Not only is their 55LA8600 LED backlit HDTV one of the sharpest-looking 55-inch LCD sets to grace the labs, it's a solid performer and loaded with features, although one or two of those features are not quite ready for primetime. As always, you'll pay big bucks for a top-of-the-line HDTV ($2,699.99 list), but if you want a big-screen set that offers all the latest technologies, including a 240Hz refresh rate, passive 3D, and a wealth of Web services, the LA8600 deserves a spot on your short list, right alongside our Editors' Choice plasma screen, the Samsung PN60F8500.

Design and Features
The 55LA8600 uses a so-called bezel-free design on the top and sides that gives the impression of a floating screen. However, the LA8600 isn't completely bezel-less; there is a thin (0.7-inch) glossy black bezel at the bottom edge of the panel done up in a glossy black finish and sporting a small LG logo. A band of textured metal trim around the cabinet's perimeter completes the look. While visually stunning, the 55-inch panel is susceptible to damage due to the lack of bezel support on the edges, so be careful when un-boxing this beauty.

Edge-mounted LED backlighting allows for a slim (1.3-inch) cabinet that juts out a bit at the bottom to accommodate a pair of down-firing 12-watt speakers that, aided by a rear-mounted subwoofer, deliver loud audio with a good amount of bass response for HDTV speakers. The 51-pound cabinet comes with a u-shaped stand featuring a unique swivel mechanism that actually swivels the entire stand rather than the just the cabinet. Of course, you can use the VESA-compliant mounting holes to hang the set on a wall.

There's no shortage of I/O ports here. On the left side, facing outward, are four HDMI ports and three USB ports, one of which supports the speedy USB 3.0 standard. Down-facing ports include shared component/composite AV jacks, an optical digital audio output, a LAN port, an antenna/cable jack, and a headphone/external speaker output. On the right side of the cabinet are Volume and Channel Up/Down, Settings, Select, Input, and Power buttons.

A flip-up camera and microphone array sits at the top of the cabinet, behind the screen. It can be used for Skyping as well as for gesture and voice commands. As with the Samsung PN60F8500, you have to enunciate voice commands clearly and slowly in order for them to be recognized. The voice search feature worked well enough, but it's much quicker to just change the channel and raise or lower the volume level using the remote. Likewise, the motion gesture feature is supposed to let you use your hands to turn the set on and off, raise and lower the volume, and change channels, but we were unable to get this feature to function at all. The camera was able to take somewhat blurry video and grainy stills, but is clearly intended more for video chat than recording.

Instead of a conventional, button-filled flat remote, the 55LA8600 uses the motion-sensing LG Magic Remote. The 5-inch remote is very similar to the one that ships with the LG 55LM6700, only this time around it has a shiny silver finish and sports a built-in microphone (for voice recognition) and Microphone button. It also has a 3D, Channel and Volume Up/Down, and Mute buttons, and a scroll wheel surrounded by a four-way directional pad. The Magic Remote can be used as a pointing device, similar to an air mouse, to navigate the menus, change settings, and select Web apps, but it takes some getting used to. For example, the on-screen cursor tends to stray off course quite often and can result in accidental menu selections if you're not paying close attention. After 15 minutes or so I got the hang of the remote, but like the PN60F8600's touchpad remote, it can have a frustrating learning curve if you're not patient.

The LA8600 is equipped for wired and wireless networking, and its catalog of Web apps is impressive. Streaming video apps include Netflix, Hulu Plus, Vudu, YouTube,, CinemaNow, Crackle, and Skype. There's also a Game World channel loaded with 2D and 3D games and LG's Smart World portal, which includes hundreds of paid and free movies, TV shows, games, and lifestyle and education apps. You can also access videos, photos, and other content stored in the LG Cloud, which requires a membership.

Picture settings abound. There are seven picture presets including Vivid, Standard, Eco, Cinema, Game, and two professional calibration (ISF Expert) modes that offer extensive picture adjustments in addition to the usual assortment of picture settings. In ISF mode professionals can calibrate the set using the White Balance, CMS (Color Management System), Color Filter, and Expert Pattern options. The menu system also offers several TruMotion (de-judder) settings, as well as Black Level, Local Dimming, and Audio presets.

To test peak brightness, black level, and color accuracy we use a Klein K10-A colorimeter, SpectraCal's CalMAN 5 software, and the DisplayMate diagnostic utility. The LA8600's peak brightness topped out at 259.12 cd/m2, which is decent but not quite as bright as the Panasonic TC-L55ET60 (304.34 cd/m2). However, the panel produced a relatively dark black level of 0.027 cd/m2 for a strong contrast ratio of 9,597:1. In comparison, the plasma screen Samsung PN60F8500 reached a black level of 0.0054 cd/m2 for remarkable 55,779:1 contrast ratio?.

LG 55LA8600

Out-of-the-box color accuracy was good, although reds ran a little hot, as shown in the CIE chromaticity chart above (the inside of each box represents the ideal color coordinates for its corresponding color). Fortunately, the warm reds do not result in any tinting or an oversaturated picture. Viewing angles are good but not perfect; the panel dims slightly when viewed from a side angle of around 80 degrees (off-center).

Image quality on the 1920-by-1080 panel was superb. Underwater scenes from the movie Piranha on Blu-ray appeared sharp with good shadow detail, and the picture was squeaky clean with no noticeable background noise. Motion blur was also non-existent, so there's no reason to crank up the TruMotion de-judder settings.

The LA8600 uses passive 3D, and comes with four sets of glasses. The panel provided good 3D depth without sacrificing background detail or luminance, and the lightweight glasses were comfortable. The 3D imagery in Sharks 3D on Blu-ray was convincing; in fact, a colleague remarked that he felt like he was watching the movie from the inside of a fish tank. As with nearly every passive 3D HDTV we've tested, the LA8600 does exhibit a trace of crosstalk when viewed from an extreme side angle, but the artifacts are not blatant enough to be considered an issue.

In Standard mode, the LA8600 consumed 106 watts of power during testing, which is on par with the Panasonic TC-L55ET60 (100 watts). With Eco mode enabled it used only 68 watts, while the ET60 used required 79 watts. With the Picture Mode set to Cinema, the LA8600 consumed 81 watts of power. The Samsung PN60F8500 consumed three times as much power for only five inches more diagonal screen size thanks to its plasma panel, eating 320 watts with Eco mode set to low.

Outstanding HD picture quality, solid 3D, and copious features are all characteristics of any flagship HDTV line, and the LG 55LA8600 doesn't disappoint. It may not get as bright as the more affordable Panasonic TC-L55ET60 and its picture isn't quite as stellar as the Editors' Choice Samsung PN60F8500, but it does produce dark blacks and accurate colors, is one of sharpest looking HDTVs around, and consumes much less power. Granted, neither are exactly affordable, but top-of-the-line HDTVs rarely (if ever) are. You may have to invest in a little training time to take full advantage of the remote and voice recognition feature, but these are minor annoyances, not deal breakers. If your budget doesn't allow for a $2,800 expenditure, our Editors' Choice for mid-range big-screen LCD HDTV, the Panasonic TC-L55ET60, is a stellar performer with a much more palatable price tag.


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