Monday, June 25, 2012

The Truth about Alcohol - Operation Muffin Top - Connecticut News

Wahoo! It?s the summertime and you?re going to more parties, hosting more bbqs, attending more weddings and just enjoying the sunny weather outdoors. And with that, you?re most likely enjoying a few more laughs?oh yea, and more cocktails, beers, or glasses of wine as well (is anyone opting for more water?!). And even though you may not understand how alcohol affects your overall health, the truth of the matter is alcohol has no positive health qualities. I know, I know?please try your best not to roll your eyes at me!

How are white wine, light beer, and even agave tequila all alike? Each of these bevs (along with all other alcoholic bevs) contains alcohol, and the alcohol is the key problem. Did you know that your body processes alcohol first, before fat, protein, or carbs? Therefore, drinking slows down the burning of fat. Like this fact, there are quite a few more facts about alcohol and how it affects your body and I feel that right now is the perfect time to spell them out. And yes, it has been claimed that drinking red wine may have health benefits, but I?d like to focus on the cons of alcohol?let?s take a few moments and learn together:

1. Empty Calories: Sugar, also known as an empty calorie, has 4 calories per gram, providing no nutrition. Alcohol, also another empty calorie, is almost double the calories per gram (7 calories)?yes, double. So if you?re drinking a rum and Coke, you?re drinking all the sugar, all the empty calories, and no nutrition. No nutrition? Yes, that is correct because alcohol lacks proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals needed to maintain healthy body functions.

Alcohol can lead to weight gain from the calories it provides and by causing you to eat more calories after drinking the alcohol (late night munchies anyone?) ? a double whammy weight gain effect! It is even possible to drink as many calories as you eat! That being said, alcohol will significantly interfere with your weight loss goal. And, overconsumption can even lead to malnutrition.

2. Nutrient absorption: According to,

alcohol inhibits the absorption of several nutrients: vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, and folic acid. This website states that the process of metabolizing alcohol requires nutrients. As the liver decreases its supply of these nutrients, the blood stream is called upon to replenish the supply. As a result, body cells are deprived of critical nutrients and normal body functions suffer. Note to self, please.

3. Hormones: Not something you think about when it comes to alcohol, right? Here?s the science-y scoop?consuming alcohol will actually impede with glucose function in your body and with the actions of regulatory hormones (insulin and glucagon). Regardless if you are well-nourished, alcohol may disturb blood sugar levels, especially if it is combined with a sugary drink. This is because alcohol increases insulin secretion (pulls more than enough blood sugar out of the bloodstream), which causes temporary hypoglycemia. Therefore, alcohol consumption can be especially harmful in people with a predisposition to hypoglycemia, such as patients who are being treated for diabetes.

4. Immune system: Yes, alcohol has a direct affect on your immunity. Acute or chronic use damages cellular immunity. It decreases antioxidant levels by increasing free radicals, which contributes to chronic systematic inflammation. In simple turns, alcohol is viewed as a threat to the body, causing it to have an inflammatory response, which damages many body tissues.

5. Nervous system: Do you wonder why a few drinks make you ?tipsy?, slur your words, impair your walking, etc? It is because alcohol alters the normal activity of your nervous system and can disturb or kill neurons, the cells that transmit and process signals in the brain and various other parts of the nervous system.

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