Monday, March 5, 2012

The 3 H's of Success

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The 3 H?s of Success is the eighth in a series of articles to help you reach your goal. ?What are your goals? ?I know you thought about it! ?You know, it is your dream, wish or resolution you made! ?Before you can get to where you want to be, you need to know where you are going. ?You wouldn?t get on a bus, train or plane without knowing where it was going.


In sports, they talk about getting your head in the game.? Years ago, I was a salesman (retail and door to door) who was having difficulty achieving my sales goals.? Someone suggested reading Psycho-Cybernetics which helped me improve my self-image through positive thinking.? Self-image is a series of beliefs created by past experiences and how people react to us.? Changing failure into success used a technique called visualization.? In essence, you are changing the record of your past experience of failure with visualizing success.? The mind-body connection is an important part in attaining personal goals.

Good or bad habits are a part of all our lives. What are habits?? It is an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.? Do you think successful people have better habits than others?? I do!? When I was a consultant, my approach to problem solving helped me when I was faced with an industry I was unfamiliar with or new situations.? Did I rely on habits?? You bet!? Maybe it is called street smarts or common sense. I have heard people refer to it as listening to their gut.? Everyone does it, but may call it different names.

Am I a hard worker? Don?t successful people work harder than anybody else?? If you enjoy what you are doing, it is not work!? I am extremely competitive!? I try to do my best in everything I do.? Do I work hard or smart?? I remember receiving comments by my fellow bloggers that I am constantly commenting.? Some bloggers are surprised I read so many (500) articles I a week.? I enjoy what I do, don?t you?? A long time ago, I tried to become the person, I wanted to be.? I looked at what successful people did and did it before I was a success.? I developed the habits of the rich and successful.


What we think determines what we do.? There is huge difference between thinking you are a winner or loser.? The inner thinking of your head determines how successful you will be.? What is your attitude?? Your mental attitude will aid you in growth, expansion and success.? What you think matters!? Do you expect success?? Positive thinking expects happiness and a successful outcome of every situation.? If you think you will succeed, you will.? World class athletes use visualization for successful performance.? What is your approach to goals?


Developing good and eschewing bad habits is easier said than done.? We all have bad habits!? Eating well and exercising will make you fit.? As you develop healthy habits, you start to replace some of your bad habits.? Success is not something that will only occur in just one part of your life.? As you start to achieve success with health, you will use those habits in other parts of your life.? One of the reasons a musician is a good student is because they learned a new skill with an instrument, practiced for hours and learned how to succeed by improving their work.? They developed habits that helped them reach success.

Hard Work

I cannot imagine working at a job I did not like!? According to Forbes, 70% of people hate their jobs!? What should you do?? It is really difficult to work hard at something you hate.? I know I cannot work hard at something I hate.? My goal has always been to wake up in the morning and happy to go to work.? I achieved that goal eleven (11) years ago.? Teaching is a dynamic profession; no day is ever the same.? When you love what you do, it is not work!? If you like what you do, you will be good at it.? Usually the money follows because you are good at it.? Working hard can mean different things to people.? It may mean accomplishing goals, getting that next promotion or starting a business.? Hard work or the necessary effort is needed to achieve success.

Final Thoughts

This is the eighth article in the series about success; I expect to publish throughout 2012. ?There will be twenty-six (26) of them, one for each letter of the alphabet. ?The 3 H?s of success are head, habit and hard work. ?I think everyone wants success in life; business and career; however it takes a concerted effort to reach success. ??The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man?s determination.? Tommy Lasorda sums it up much better than I can!

I started this series because I run into so many people who have difficulty reaching success. ?They want to know my secrets!? So I thought I would share them in a format that will be most helpful. ?I also think this format may make it more interesting and easier to use. My goal in these articles to provide useful and interesting information that will help you succeed.? The 3 H?s of Success is now a series.

Photo by:? jcorrius

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