Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Health and Fitness For All Women : Lose weight. | How Can You ...


Health and Fitness problems haunt Women throughout their lives. From puberty through adolescence, marriage, motherhood, menopause and old age, there is no end to the various tribulations that cause havoc in a female mind. They vary from weight issues to breast feeding methods to hormonal imbalances to healthy eating and nutrition and many more. There is certainly no end to them, but they do manage to find answers for all these teeny weenie problems.

To remain healthy and fit is what every woman out there wants. Going about it is easy if one is determined and disciplined. eating healthy is not very difficult. Try to include veggies and greens in all your meals; these can be used as a replacement for the cakes and treats that make up your meal. Slight changes in eating habits can go a long way in remaining fit. The idea is not to build up fat unnecessarily. eat high-fiber food and go for complex carbohydrates over simple ones. For example, try multi-grain brown bread instead of your usual white bread next time you visit the grocery store. Similar changes in your daily diet would help you take in the essential nutrients in the right amount and also help maintain a healthy weight.

Things To Ponder

To be a healthy and fit woman you need to do regular exercise. Work out every day if possible and burn the flab away before it even settles in. Weight is a major problem that women face in the various phases of their lives. Many women find it difficult to fight the post-pregnancy weight, and a little bit of help in the form of exercise would do wonders for them. Similarly, continuing physical exercise would keep them fit as well as attractive over the years. A combination of cardiovascular exercise like jogging or walking should definitely be included in the workout regime.

Healthy eating and nutrition is equally important for health. A balanced diet boosts the immune system and aids in keeping diseases and ailments away. A mixture of nutrients and minerals can fight diseases like cancer and heart disease. For example, the pectin found in apples cleanses the digestive system of toxins and can prevent cancer. Proteins have the capacity to stimulate the brain and should be present in meals in a high percentage. Sleep is a major prerequisite for the normal working of the body and women should ensure that they sleep for at least eight hours a day for the normal hormonal functions of their bodies.

Abstain From These

Smoking and consuming alcohol should be reduced as much as possible and totally avoided during pregnancy. They have detrimental effects on the body and also increase the process of aging. Even though it is believed that smoking increases the metabolism rate and therefore has a beneficial effect on weight loss, it should be remembered that cigarettes are highly addictive and that there are healthier methods for trying to lose weight.

health and fitness can be achieved by all women by healthy eating and regular exercise.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New tool for CSI? Geographic software maps distinctive features inside bones

ScienceDaily (Sep. 25, 2012) ? A common type of geographic mapping software offers a new way to study human remains.

In a recent issue of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, researchers describe how they used commercially available mapping software to identify features inside a human foot bone -- a new way to study human skeletal variation.

David Rose, a Captain in the Ohio State University Police Division and doctoral student in anthropology, began the project to determine whether the patterns of change inside the bones of human remains could reveal how the bones were used during life.

"Our bones adapt to the load that's placed on them. Patterns of tension and compression show up in our internal bone structure, and this software lets us look at those patterns in a new way," Rose said.

Julie Field, study co-author and assistant professor of anthropology at Ohio State, explained that archaeologists frequently use geographic information system (GIS) software to map the location of objects uncovered at an excavation site.

"We try to identify important clusters of objects such as household tools or agricultural tools that would indicate patterns of human activity," Field explained. "Based on certain scientific criteria that you give it, the software gives you a statistical measure of whether the objects you're looking at actually constitute a cluster."

In this case, the researchers used a program called ArcGIS. But similar types of mapping software can analyze any kind of spatial data, such as crime statistics or flood models, Rose added. He usesthe same program to map line-of-site views to develop security plans for events on campus.

This is the first time anyone has used GIS software to map bone microstructure.

Co-author Sam Stout, professor of anthropology at Ohio State and Rose's advisor, explained why the study of internal bone structure is important.

"Dave's work allows us to visualize, analyze, and compare the distribution of microscopic features that reflect the development and maintenance of bones, which we can relate to skeletal health and disease -- for example, bone fragility in osteoporosis," Stout said.

Advances that relate to the study of foot bones in particular would be useful in forensics, Rose explained, because of one grisly fact: when unidentified human remains are discovered today, the foot bones are sometimes intact, having been protected by the deceased person's shoes. Any information about the person, such as age, sex, or body size could ultimately aid law enforcement in identifying a body.

For this study, the researchers studied the cross-section of a metatarsal -- a long bone in the foot -- from a deceased woman who generously gave her body to the Division of Anatomy's Body Donation Program. Using this bone cross-section, they demonstrated how the software could be used to show the loads experienced in the foot during gait.

Rose recorded an extremely high-resolution image of the bone cross-section under a microscope, and used the software to map the location of key structures called osteons.

Osteons are microscopic structures created throughout life to fix small cracks or to maintain mineral levels in our blood. The size and shape of osteons, along with the direction of the collagen fibers from which they are made inside bone, are influenced by the loads we place on our bones during life.

In this case, the donor's metatarsal bone showed the predicted pattern of normal bone remodeling, with concentrations of particular types of osteons along the top and bottom of the bone which could have been formed by forces experienced as she walked -- just where researchers would expect to see telltale signs of foot flexure and compression.

This study provides a proof of concept, Rose cautioned, and many more bones would have to be studied before GIS software could provide meaningful insight into bone biology.

"Really, we're just combining very basic principles in GIS and skeletal biology," he said. "But I believe that there is a tremendous opportunity for advancements at the intersection of both disciplines. The real advantage to this method is that it offers a new scale for the study of human variation offering to shed light on how we adapt to our surroundings."

Co-author Amanda Agnew, assistant professor of anatomy, agreed and added that the work "combines bone biology, biomechanics, and biomedical informatics to explore new methods to evaluate old questions."

Timothy Gocha of the Department of Anthropology also contributed to this research.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Ohio State University. The original article was written by Pam Frost Gorder.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. David C. Rose, Amanda M. Agnew, Timothy P. Gocha, Sam D. Stout, Julie S. Field. Technical note: The use of geographical information systems software for the spatial analysis of bone microstructure. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2012; 148 (4): 648 DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22099

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Receding relations ? Namratakumari's Blog

Dynamism of life amuses me. It forces me to think again and again flipping through the pages in the book of past. I find some old faces wearing alluring smiles. I find a few of them in the present chapters of my life and few have trailed away leaving a fading impression on my mind.

Once he was the closest to my heart. We could not keep away of texting each other for even a single minute of the day. We shared every possible feeling we could have. A perfect friendship bonded with utmost love and care. Then we parted leading to the new worlds, separated worlds. We talk rarely these days but whenever we do we share our feelings and it makes me feel good.

I messaged him after a week to share the grief of seeing my friends receding away. I asked him-?Don?t you miss me?? and he replied-?I do but I don?t find time to and don?t feel like to talk sometimes?. The reason he stated for this was that he gets tired and sleepy due to the immense workload and thus he has got addicted to the stereotype lifestyle. This made me realize that the friendship is still there but it has taken some different form. He says that friendship got changed because our lives got changed. I feel I am still the same old friend with a changed life. He said-?Given a chance, it might be seen that we are still the same rather it?s the place and work that we are put into which changes things.?

I said I wanted to accept this fact of changing friends and friendship but not at the cost of parting friends. I would never wish to see a gulf between the sweet relations. As a reply to it he said what I had never expected. He said that instead of thinking that way I must try to accept the fact of receding friends which might be difficult but isn?t impossible. I ran out of words and got dumbfounded. I knew he was right but I kept thinking why he can?t be wrong. Why I have to lose my pals when I love them truly? Situations govern our lives but I can?t take them taking over my emotions.

The flickering faces juggle near my eyes. I tried to shape up my life and my relations but I see that workload and lifestyle is shaping up me and my friends and ultimately our relations. I miss those relations which got buried in the past. I love those people who are standing with me today. But I don?t understand how to get over these receding relationships. Shall I accept them the way they are or I should make attempts to save them?

Posted by Namrata Kumari on September 25, 2012


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The Pet Hunter Diaries: Prepared For ?Pandaria? ? MMO Gamer Chick

Dear Diary,

New Acquisitions: 4
Current Total: 155

Isn?t it amazing, how sometimes, even achieving a small, seemingly trivial goal can make you feel like a million bucks? I think because of this, some part of me will always be drawn to World of Warcraft ? it is, in essence, a very goal-oriented game; there?s always something to be working towards, whether you?re a hardcore raider chasing heroic achievements, or simply like good old boring down-to-earth me, trying to collect 150 unique companion pets before the release of Mists of Pandaria.

In less than 24 hours, the expansion will launch, and I?m happy to report that I?ve completed what I set out to do well ahead of time, but why stop there? I?m sure I don?t have to tell you, a pet hunter?s job is never done. I?ve always been a rabid an enthusiastic collector of companion pets, which makes the upcoming pet capture-and-battle system feel like it?s right up my alley, but it?s also very exciting to see that more and more people are beginning to discover the joys of vanity pets, particularly those who have otherwise expressed little interest before.

For the last couple of WoW expansions I played until I reached the new level cap, and then stopped not long after that. I like raiding on occasion, but I?ve always been a proponent for more activity choices for endgame. Could pet hunting and battling be the answer to my ennui? That remains to be seen, but the last several weeks of doing nothing in game but focusing on amassing my pet collection has been very enlightening. Apparently, that alone has been enough for me to feel quite accomplished. But hey ? I am, after all, your average everyday pet fiend.

I think I?ve done all I can pre-MoP for now. I?m sure that after Tuesday everyone?s pet collection including my own will explode, making the 150 unique pet achievement look like peanuts, but it was fun while it lasted. Now the question is, when I sit down to play tomorrow night, do I concentrate on starting my journey to level 90, roll a new Pandaren monk, or jump right into pet hunting? Choices, choices, choices.

And speaking of choices, I should also start thinking about assembling my pet battle team. The possibilities are endless:

That last one actually might not be such a bad idea, though the thought of someone beating up my little polar bear is too demoralizing and soul-crushing to even imagine; I just don?t know if I could take it.

To my fellow pet enthusiasts, see you all in Panda Land! It is my hope to meet you one day with honor on the pet battlefield.

Happy hunting,


Latest field notes and recently hunted pets:

Hyjal Bear Cub

Another baby bear! After two months doing Firelands dailies (didn?t always do them every day, that?s why it took longer) finally unlocked vendor to purchase this little guy. Probably obvious why I chose him first, as he is very cute, very cool. Having to spend more than 1000 gold to buy him, not so cool. Damn you, why do bear cubs have to be so stinkin? adorable?

Crimson Lasher

Several days later, unlocked second Firelands vendor to buy this pet. What a PITA this event chain is. Another 1000+ gold down the hatch, but now have my own little Crimson Lasher. No, definitely not feeding it any more burning scorpid gunk.

Fox Kit

Spent weeks doing Tol Barad dailies, hoping for Alliance controlled every day in order for few extra commendations. Killed every Baradin Fox I came across, but after a pile of fox corpses still no luck. Screw it, finally just spent 200 commendations at the vendor for this pet and called it a day. Totally worth it. Has great dancing animation!


Checked AH periodically for hex sticks, buying any I could find for 5 gold or less (go to hell, sellers who list for 25g) to use on forest frogs in heroic ZA. Kitty stealth solo run ftw! Got lucky on third run, using second to last hex stick left in inventory. Finally got my Mojo!


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Monday, September 24, 2012

World T20: Windies through to Super Eights after Ireland match ...

Colombo, Sep 24

West Indies made it into the Super Eights after their World Twenty20 Group B tie against Ireland was abandoned due to rain at the R Premadasa Stadium here in Colombo Monday.

The Caribbean side entered the next stage on the basis of the net run rate.

Group toppers Australia, with four points from their two matches, already advanced to the next stage after beating West Indies Saturday.

This must-win tie for both the sides proved unfortunate for Ireland as their net run rate (-2.092) was lower than that of the West Indies (-1.855), with both sides sitting on a point each.

Electing to field first earlier, West Indies restricted Ireland to 129 for six in 19 overs.

The match was reduced to a 19-over encounter after rain stopped play during the Irish innings.

The inexperienced side kept losing wickets at regular intervals as none of the Caribbean bowlers allowed any batsman to play an anchor?s knock.

Niall O?Brien top scored with 25 while Gary Wilson and Paul Stirling chipped in with 21 and 19 respectively.

Chris Gayle took two wickets for 21 runs from his three overs.


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Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Matter of Outsourcing and How It Can Benefit Your Business ...

Anyone can see why this is true because it probably applies to larger companies too. But you need to analyze your business and determine where you can apply this particular leverage. Depending on your needs and where you source your help from, problems might arise. Not to say you will be unable to find qualified help, but you know you need to be cautious. The only area you are likely to run into trouble with is for highly special jobs.

Assessing your business periodically also gives you some insight into any areas that might be effectively outsourced. This is a good way to tighten up on money and not squander away valuable resources. Online marketers though can see impressive benefits by outsourcing their labor. Each department should be closely studied in order to determine which tasks can be outsourced. So, this implies a true need to outsource these jobs.

Allowing sections of your business to remain poorly managed could end up costing you more money than you expect. Anytime you have a project that is big enough, but not enough labor to cover it at your business, then outsource it. Employees and management all feel the stress of this. If you follow business news, you may have read a few articles regarding skilled labor in the US. There have been independent contractors servicing various important industries in the US for many years.

Thus, you?ll find the work done and delivered in the morning when you reach the office. This is a great way to relieve stress on any existing employees you have and still keep customers happy. In addition, there are jobs such as payroll responsibilities. Outsourcing is a great way to level the playing field. As with any business, outsourcing can lead to more positive action. Prior to outsourcing, it?s quite likely you didn?t have sufficient resources at your disposal.

So they are an important part of any business. The need for outsourced work has risen hugely in the last few years across most areas of business. So, this is why you as a business owner have to carefully make the decision. It?s a good choice also if add an outsourcing services on it. Many outsourcing companies claim to be built for all kinds of outsourcing needs. There are other areas of your company where you can use the money you saved. Even if it?s hard, you still should look at other benefits and not just money. Once you?ve figured out how to get the most benefit for your business, you?ll be in a position to really take it to the next level.

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AARP Convention Attendees React to Obama, Ryan Speeches On ...

NEW ORLEANS -- Nancy Tressa, 62, a retired middle school principal from Corpus Christi, Texas, drove with her husband in their RV to New Orleans to attend the AARP Convention and take in the sites, sounds and cuisine of the Big Easy. On Friday morning, they joined about 5,000 other attendees to hear President Barack Obama speak to the convention via satellite about his proposals for Medicare and Social Security. That speech was followed by an in-person address by Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan.

A conservative, Tressa was disappointed by the booing and heckling that greeted some of Ryan's remarks, particularly his oft-repeated campaign pledge to repeal Obamacare. "We come to the AARP Convention because we're educators and balanced people, so it's fun to meet people from all over with different views," she said. "But I thought it was rude. I think bipartisanship is what's wrong with this country. The Congress needs to sit down and they need to put things aside and start getting together for the good of the country."

Tressa's spouse is a retired lieutant colonel in the National Guard and her father landed in Normandy during World War II. "I believe in the country ... we had better stop this crassness that is enveloping our society," she said. "This tit-for-tat stuff, and [politicians] looking at the next job they are going to get, politicking all the time rather than doing what they're supposed to be doing in the job that they're in -- that's a problem."

Bob Rittman, 74, and his wife Joyce, 70, of Apple Valley, Calif., are Obama supporters. "I wanted to hear both and I was pleased with the president's presentation. I admired Ryan's presentation because he is proposing things that are different from the president's -- which means to me that Americans do have a real choice," said Rittman, a retired high school teacher with two grown children.

For Rittman, the key issues in this election are "Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, but also a woman's right to choose, respect for all individuals regardless of class," he said. "And the concept that I firmly believe in is that everyone should pay for a part of government, especially those who are super rich who can afford more. Not to prohibit their wealth, but to help the majority of the people afford a better life."

Joyce, a former middle school speech pathologist, said she also took interest in both candidate's speeches. "Obviously I enjoyed hearing the president's speech and wanted to hear what Ryan had to say," she said. "I think people should keep an open mind and listen to both sides. There are important things being said on both sides and it's an extremely important election."

Dennis Eisnach, of Pierre, S.D., is also focused entitlement programs and the associated costs. "I think Social, Security, Medicare and the debt are the three most important [issues] and obviously they work together," said Eisnach, a former mayor and state highway patrol superintendent. "I have always been under the belief that you have to take a balanced approach to this; you can't make draconian cuts -- there has to be a source of new revenue and cuts, both."

Eisnach said he didn't hear much in the speeches that was new: "The only thing I picked up on that I hadn't heard from Paul Ryan or Romney before is that they talked abut raising the retirement age [for Social Security eligibility]."

Tressa, who has a married son and two grandchildren in Ohio, said the key issues for her in the upcoming election are the economy and national security. "If other countries see us as weak in our economy and in this bipartisanship that we can't act as a nation for the good of the nation, someone is going to take advantage of that," she said.

Tressa added that she's enjoying retirement -- "it's everything it's cracked up to be" -- but said the road hasn't always been easy. "We took care of ourselves. We worked hard, we sacrificed, we saved, we didn't think Medicare was going to be there -- that wasn't the safety net. It's nice that it's there, but we prepared. And we started out making $5,200 a year as teachers in Texas back in 1972, so we didn't have a whole lot. I'm an optimist ... I think middle America will come through."


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Friday, September 21, 2012

Video: More on September 20: Contagion?

Try these tricks for breaking kids' bad habits

Thumb-suckers, nose-pickers and nail-biters, oh my. Any parent can relate to the frustration of trying to get your child to quit that annoying, bad habit. Real moms share the techniques that worked for them.


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NHL cancels September slate of preseason games

NEW YORK (AP) ? The NHL canceled its entire September preseason game schedule on Wednesday, the first on-ice casualty of the four-day lockout.

The league is wiping out all games through Sept. 30, a move it deems "necessary because of the absence of a collective bargaining agreement" with the players' association.

The NHL also said the 2012 Kraft Hockeyville preseason game, scheduled for Oct. 3 in Belleville, Ontario, has been postponed until 2013, bringing the total to 60 games called off on Wednesday.

The regular season is scheduled to begin on Oct. 11.

NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly said the league has "no set policy on cancellations" of other games.

Also Wednesday, a person familiar with the plan says NHL employees at the league offices will switch to a four-day work week Oct. 1 because of the lockout.

The move will effectively cut salaries by 20 percent. The person spoke on condition of anonymity Wednesday because the NHL hadn't made the plan public.

The news was first reported by The Canadian Press.

The Florida Panthers and Ottawa Senators have let staff go because of the lockout, while several other teams have said they don't have any plans to do so as of now.

The league locked out its players at 12:01 a.m. Sunday, its fourth shutdown since 1992.

The preseason cancellations included a Washington Capitals game against the Columbus Blue Jackets on Sept. 26 in Baltimore.

Last year, in the inaugural Baltimore Hockey Classic, the Capitals hosted the Nashville Predators and drew a sold-out crowd.


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Libyans march against Islamist militias in Benghazi

BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Thousands of Libyans marched in Benghazi on Friday in support of democracy and against the Islamist militias that Washington blames for an attack on the U.S. consulate last week that killed four Americans including the ambassador.

The "Rescue Benghazi day" demonstration called for the government to disband armed groups that have refused to give up their weapons since the NATO-backed revolution that toppled Muammar Gaddafi last year.

Marchers headed for a main square where a much smaller counter demonstration of hundreds of supporters of hardline Islamist group Ansar al-Sharia were waiting.

"It's obvious that this protest is against the militias. All of them should join the army or security forces as individuals, not as groups," medical student Ahmed Sanallah, 27, said. "Without that there will be no prosperity and no success for the new Libya."

The late afternoon demonstration had a cheerful atmosphere as families marched with small children on their shoulders.

Fighter jets and helicopters roared overhead in a show of official support for the demonstration, which has been enthusiastically promoted by the city's authorities.

"Those military battalions that want to impose their ideology on the people of Libya will be confronted," Saleh Gaouda, a member of new ruling national congress, said.

"This city wants to go back to stability and participate in building the state."

In a sign of the cheerful atmosphere, one car had a giant cardboard model of Benghazi's landmark lighthouse strapped to the roof. As the sun set and the crowd began to disperse, someone shot fireworks into the air.


Although the main demands of the marchers did not mention the attack on the U.S. consulate, it seems to have provided a strong impetus for the authorities to rally support behind the country's weak government.

U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens was well liked in Libya, and many people who were angered by an anti-Islamic film made in the United States consider the attack on the embassy to have been excessive. Some placards in English, intended for international news cameras, read: "We demand justice for Stevens" and "Libya lost a friend".

"I am out today to defend Benghazi. Killing the ambassador is a completely separate thing," 26-year-old Amjad Mohammed Hassan, a network engineer, said. "I don't give a damn about the killing of the ambassador because the Americans offended the Prophet. I am just here for Benghazi."

Benghazi, 1,000 km (600 miles) from Tripoli across largely empty desert, is controlled by various armed groups, including some comprised of Islamists who openly proclaim their hostility to democratic government and the West.

Some of these have been identified by local people as being among those who were at the consulate protest last week. U.S. officials have described the violence as a "terrorist attack".

One group linked to the attack is Ansar al-Sharia, which has denied involvement in the violence.

Abu Al-Qaa, a demonstrator at the Ansar al-Sharia counter demonstration, said Stevens "was preparing for the entry of American troops into Libya".

"The will of the Prophet was to expel infidels from Muslim lands so that Muslims prevail. Terrorizing your enemy is one of Islam's tenets."

He said he had fought against American troops in Iraq where he was arrested and sent back to Gaddafi's Libya and jailed for three years.

One banner at that demonstration read: "Day to rescue Benghazi or day to rescue America?"

In southern Libya, at least six people were killed and 12 injured in clashes between security forces and a local group, a security official and a resident said on Friday.

Security forces were sent to the town of Brak, 700 km (400 miles) south of Tripoli, on Wednesday to stop a group broadcasting songs about Gaddafi on the radio, the official said. The security forces, made up of former rebel fighters, came under attack upon arrival.

(Additional reporting by Omar Al-Mosmary and Ali Shuaib; Editing by Giles Elgood)


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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Samsung ad: Apple makes 'the coolest adapters'


16 hrs.

iPhone 5

Every time an Apple product comes out, a select few reviewers get first dibs on testing it first. On Tuesday night, the iPhone 5 reviews wen... Read more

6 hrs.

Last year's iPhone launch brought an unexpected pleasure: some funny and understated ads from Samsung mocking Apple's dedicated fans for coveting features already available elsewhere. And now, just a week after the announcement of the iPhone 5, they've done it again.

It's light, good-natured humor, but it does hit a few tender spots. "I heard you have to have an adapter to use the dock on this one," says one person in the usual line waiting for the new iPhone. "Yeah, but they make?the coolest adapters," is the response.

Others like the 4G, larger 4-inch screen and other capabilities that Samsung's Galaxy S III users are quick to point out have been available for awhile on Android. Samsung wisely stays away from making outright jabs; the iPhone 5?is, after all, being received well and few would say it's poorly designed.

Perhaps the finest moment: One Samsung user is holding a place in the iPhone line for someone ? and to the horror of the cool kids waiting beside him, it turns out to be his parents. The looks on their faces suggest it may be time to reevaluate their hipness quotient.

Whether you're an iPhone or Android fan, it's a fun watch.?Check out "The Next Big Thing is Already Here" below:

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website is


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Groupon Enters Payments Space - Business Insider

Groupon is rolling out a payments service today, and it appears to be a direct challenge to Square.

AllThingsD's Tricia Duryee?reports that the new service will allow merchants to accept credit card payments using a card reader attached to an iPhone or iPodTouch.

In an attempt to save its struggling coupons business and increase revenue, Groupon is looking to become the most affordable mobile payments service.

Groupon charges MasterCard, Visa and Discover swipes at a 1.8% rate plus 15 cents for each transaction done by a Groupon merchant. It charges American Express swipes at a 3% rate plus 15 cents for each transaction.

Square, on the other hand, charges 2.75% per swipe for all major credit cards, while PayPal Here charges 2.7% per swipe.

While Groupon's payments service is geared towards its merchants, non-Groupon merchants can still use the service at a rate of 2.2% per swipe plus 15 cents for every transaction. It's more expensive than Groupon's rates for merchants, but still cheaper than Square's.

Keyed-in transactions for MasterCard, Visa and Discover are 2.3% plus 15 cents, and 3.5% plus 15 cents for American Express.

Square closed a $200 million round earlier this week with a valuation of $3.25 billion, while Groupon is currently valued at around $3.07 billion.

Groupon shares are up 7.61% this morning, trading at $5.05.

Don't Miss: After Paying With Square, You'll Want To Ditch Your Credit Card Forever >


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Making a model identify

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Motorola teams up with Intel, announces RAZR i in the Europe: packs 2GHz Medfield processor, launches next month

Motorola teams up with Intel, announces RAZR i in the Europe packs 2GHz Medfield processor, launches next month

Motorola's revealed the first smartphone to be borne from its team-up with Intel. Here in London, UK, it's a familiar-looking Android smartphone with an important internal difference. The RAZR i will be running on one of Intel's latest mobile chips (2GHz processor), differentiating it from what we saw from the Google-owned phone-maker a few weeks earlier. Motorola's calling the phone its biggest launch in the UK since the original RAZR.

Motorola's touting the (almost "edge-to-edge") 4.3-inch AMOLED display, 2,000mAh of battery and the same Kevlar coating -- it's water repellent this time. But this event is also about Intel's 2GHz processor inside. The chipmaker says it's optimized the architecture for web browsing, especially for Java-based activities. It's also pushing for power consumption even on processor-intensive activities like gaming -- but we'll have to wait for our own tests to check it out.

The RAZR i also packs a similar 8-megapixel camera and interface to those other new Motorola phones, with under a second start-up to get the camera app running -- we bet that dedicated camera button helps there. Intel made similar promises with the Orange San Diego, but were already intrigued by that Vanilla-looking interface.

NFC is already baked in, with Android Beam taking control of what you need, while its bootloader arrives unlocked. The RAZR i appears to be packing some iteration of Android 4 -- but we're still checking on whether it'll be coming with ICS or the newer Jelly Bean. The phone will arrive in the likes of UK, France, Germany and Brazil -- but no news on whether it'll appear inside North America's borders.

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Motorola teams up with Intel, announces RAZR i in the Europe: packs 2GHz Medfield processor, launches next month originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 18 Sep 2012 05:09:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Congress Pits One Form of Legal Immigration Against Another ...

We recently noted that the only point of agreement in the Republican and Democratic platforms on immigration was on the need for an infusion of green cards for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) graduates with advanced degrees from American colleges and universities.? A recent poll conducted for the Partnership for a New American Economy and Compete America shows that 76 percent of Americans support the idea as well. If only Congress could draft legislation that simply sought to put that idea into practice.

Instead this week, we are being treated to another partisan vote on immigration.?? After months of on and off negotiations, Democrats and Republicans couldn?t (or wouldn?t) reach agreement on a bipartisan proposal to create new STEM visas.? Now, Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX), with the consent of House leadership, is pushing through his own solution, attempting to get a voice vote on the floor this week to adopt a bill that offers roughly 50,000 STEM green cards at the prices of eliminating the diversity visa.

Democrats, who can?t get their version of a STEM bill on the Republican-controlled suspension calendar?have cried foul, arguing that by including elimination of the diversity visa, the debate is no longer just about STEM.? They propose instead a two-year pilot program offering 50,000 new green cards. Senator Schumer has a similar pilot program in the Senate.

As neither House proposal has been discussed or voted on in committee, and since there is clear disagreement among the parties, the vote on Smith?s bill is likely to be about politics rather than substance; moving this debate quickly away from STEM and towards basic principles for managing legal immigration.

Why is a bill about foreign STEM graduates really about the bigger picture of our legal immigration flow?? Because Smith has chosen to condition the creation of 50,000 new visas for STEM graduates on the elimination of the diversity visa, a program that?not coincidentally?makes 50,000 visas available annually to people from countries like Africa with traditionally low levels of migration to the U.S.

For the moment, this isn?t about the diversity visa, but instead about what assumptions legislators make when trying to forge immigration policy.? Opponents of immigration have opted for a zero-sum game approach, in which we cannot, no matter how badly the country might need them, increase the number of legal visas.? For one sector to get what it needs, someone else must sacrifice.

The need to limit or even reduce immigration is also evident in the details of the most recent version of Smith?s bill.? While Smith?s STEM visas are permanent, there is a catch. For the first two years of the program, if USCIS is unable to process all STEM visa applicants in Fiscal Years 2013 or 2014, it can complete the processing of those applications in the following fiscal year?essentially rolling over unused numbers, but only for people already in line.? After that, there is no guarantee that 50,000 new visas will be issued annually in this category.? Ultimately, this could mean a net decline in total legal immigration each year?and no way to use those visas to further help the economy grow.

There?s no evidence that a decline in legal immigration is a good thing.? In fact, immigrants of all skill levels enrich their communities in many ways, not the least of which by helping to create new jobs, fueling consumer demand, and rebuilding communities.? Fighting desperately to keep the immigration levels at or below those set in 1990 is not progress?and flies in the very face of the notion of innovation and visionary spirit that makes the idea of STEM visas so sensible to Americans.


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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

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Il Libro Di Cure Per Le Emorroidi Pi? Venduto E A Maggior Rendimento (27 Euro Per Vendita!) Adesso Su CB Disponibile In Italiano. Conversioni Provate Tra Il 8%. Alcuni Affiliati Stanno Facendo 3k Euro/al Giorno!

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Experimental 'net-zero' home makes as much energy as it uses

1 day

GAITHERSBURG, Maryland (Reuters) - Perched on a hilltop outside Washington, the U.S. government's net-zero energy laboratory looks a lot like the luxury houses nearby, with two significant differences: it will make as much energy as it uses, and only sensors, not people, live in it.

Designed to fit in a typical residential neighborhood, the 4,000 square foot (372 square meter) net-zero lab on the suburban campus of the National Institute of Standards and Technology is so energy-efficient that over the course of a year it is expected to produce as much energy as it needs.

Its total energy consumption should be "net zero."

To measure energy use, researchers at NIST have created a virtual family of four ? two imaginary working parents, a 14-year-old and an 8-year-old ? and scripted their every meal, move and shower. The energy use of this typical family will be monitored.

Sensors and computer programs will simulate virtual people entering the living area or moving from room to room, taking a bath, cooking a meal, turning on a computer, a television or a toaster. The appliances and plumbing do exist and are controlled from a command center of sorts, located in the detached garage.

Small devices will simulate the heat and humidity that actual humans produce in the two-story, four-bedroom structure.

"This family is very cooperative, they do exactly what we want them to do, every minute of the day," Hunter Fanney, chief of NIST's Building Environment Lab, said at the project's official launch last week.

To gauge water use, the master bedroom's shower is fitted with a scale. Step into the shower stall and onto the scale, and a weight read-out appears outside. When the lab is in use, the system will figure out by weight whether the virtual parents or children are taking a shower, and how much hot water they use.

The simulations assume that the 14-year-old will take the longest showers, Fanney said.

Testing energy-sipping technology
Solar panels on the roof generate electricity and heat water. There are no roof gutters, partly as an aesthetic statement, but also because the lab-house is surrounded by a deep layer of gravel through which rainwater can percolate.

The garage is built across a breezeway from the main house so all the heat from the monitoring equipment doesn't add to the lab's energy load. There's an electrical outlet for an electric car and a wheelchair lift that allows no-stair access to the main floor of the building.

This is not the only net-zero house in the United States, but it is the first created to look and feel like an amenity-filled suburban home, according to NIST. Most net-zero homes make it to net-zero by cutting down on size and amenities.

A house similar to the lab was built in Concord, Massachusetts, for about $600,000, exclusive of the cost of the land, said Betsy Pettit of Building Science Corporation.

A lower-cost not-quite-net-zero home was built for Habitat for Humanity for about $150,000, Pettit said, but that one was about 1,200 square feet (111 square meters), less than one-third the size of the NIST lab.

NIST's lab cost $2.5 million, because it will do more than monitor energy use, and the monitoring equipment is costly; after the first year, it will be a test bed for new technology.

Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which made environmentally friendly construction a priority, almost every component of the structure was made in the United States.

The one exception was an air exchanger made in Canada. The project got a waiver to buy it when this item could not be found in the United States, a NIST spokeswoman said.

More information and images can be found online on the NIST website.


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Monday, September 17, 2012

Chris Brown probation court appearance delayed


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