Monday, September 3, 2012

Internet Marketing Software: A Warning For Newbies ? Internet ...

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Internet Marketing Software: A Warning For Newbies

Internet marketing software is one of the most lucrative businesses online, and veteran marketers know it. It?s not unusual for the veteran marketer to see a good idea by somebody else, commission a freelance programmer to recreate it, and then sell it and promote it in a more savvy way than the competitor. When all is said and done, a new ?must have? piece of internet marketing software can go from scratch to market release within a couple of weeks, and the target audience is almost certainly the internet marketing newbie.

The truth is that most software simply isn?t required by newcomers to internet marketing. The trouble with internet marketing is that there is a vicious cycle at work. The veteran marketers will make a copycat software product and launch it quickly. They will present it with a killer sales letter. They will market to the newbies who will see it, be magnetised, and absolutely feel they cannot be without it. The newbies buy the software and typically find they have no idea how to use it efficiently. They then ask veteran marketers how they can make money and, shockingly, they?re often patronised and swept away with the brush of a hand.

Of course, this doesn?t apply to all veteran marketers. Many are helpful. But it is important to understand how the cycle works so you don?t get sucked up into the whirlpool of despair. Remember that if you?re a newcomer, you actually need very little money to get started. Indeed, you should be encouraged to earn your first pay checks with almost zero start-up cash. This is absolutely the best way to learn online, and you will soon learn there is absolutely no need for internet marketing software. Again, that?s not to say internet marketing software is useless ? most of it does automate certain aspects of your business and makes you a more efficient worker overall. But don?t feel you need internet marketing software to make money. All it takes is a creative mind, an understanding of affiliate marketing, and a free blog.

If anything, purchasing expensive ?must have? internet marketing software will only stifle your bold attempts to make money online. There is no internet marketing software available that acts as an automatic cash machine. If there was such software, you could bet your bottom dollar that absolutely everybody would own a copy! Internet marketing software is strongly targeted, and will only automate a small percentage of one?s business. It?s the equivalent of having a satellite navigation system inside your car instead of using a map; yes, it may make your journey easier and more efficient in a single aspect, but it certainly isn?t required for navigation and it definitely isn?t required to drive the car. So do bear that in mind.

Jack Silver is an internet marketer based in the U.K. Still a relative newcomer to the business, Jack has managed to quit his job and work from home full-time, appreciating the fact he can work in his pyjamas and drink coffee all day! Jack has published his story ?How I Quit My Job And Made Money In My Pyjamas? for free reading at [] in the hope that fellow internet marketing newcomers will find some inspiration.

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