Saturday, April 27, 2013

Business Networking With Dr. Ivan Misner ? Business Networking ...

In?this second?installment of the Networking Faux Pas Series, I talk about Premature Solicitation (a term you certainly don?t want to attempt to say three times fast as it very well may get you into a little bit of trouble . . .)?a classic example of how NOT to network. I share a personal story of an occurr...

People often mistakenly perceive what goes on at networking meetings and events as making small talk with a bunch of strangers.? Real business networking , however, isn?t about making small talk at all; rather it is about building meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships with other business professionals and ...

Just a couple of weeks ago, I was in Sweden on business and my wife Beth and I had the truly unique and memorable experience of staying at the Ice Hotel?.? The owner of hotel happens to be a member of BNI?, the global networking organization I started back in 1985, and during my time there I had the opportunity to not...

Since business referrals are the principal tools and the valued currency of networking, you should make sure that yours are both timely and appropriate.? Here are five important points to consider in giving a good referral: 1. Listen for needs from the people you meet.? When you meet someone who expresses a need, tell ...

In this video, I talk about the two factors that I firmly believe are what make people successful in any situation?hard work and good choices.? The truth is, you can?t achieve success without both of these things. People talk all the time about the necessity of hard work when it comes to success and though t...

The truth is, if you choose a networking group that focuses entirely on your target market, chances are you?ll be in a group of people who are a lot like you.? Sounds like a good thing, you say?? Well, it?s not.? A group that consists of a whole lot of people like you tends to hang out together in other se...

This is the first post of a series of video blogs I?ll be doing on networking faux pas.? The faux pas I talk about in this video is what I call ?abusing the relationship.?? I tell the story of a woman who used her relationship with another networker in a way that was very wrong and even somewhat decep...

I learned an important lesson about the fundamentals of success while playing football many years ago.? We had a fairly good team my junior year of high school and most of the players on the team were juniors.? The following year the team had mostly seniors, and we had some pretty high expectations for the season.? A ...

There are little ways and big ways of making a difference in someone?s life.? More likely than not, there?s someone you can immediately call to mind who has impacted you and really made a difference in your life, whether it happened recently or even back during your formative years. There are definitely cert...

If you interact with your clients, customers, referral sources, and contacts with a referral mind-set, show them that you are a giver, help others, and continually and strategically give referrals, you?re modeling the behavior you want others to exhibit toward you.? By itself, however, that?s not enough to t...

When it comes to business, having fun is something that?s almost never talked about?it?s almost like people think fun and business are two completely unrelated, and mutually exclusive things.? However, I don?t share that opinion at all.? I definitely think it?s important to have fun in bus...

I?m excited to announce that during April 1st-5th, I am going to be participating in an online event called ?Everything Your Business Needs? and I?ll be one of over twenty business experts presenting on an array of topics and areas of business that are important for every business owner to educate...

Are you using coin-operated networking? In this short video, I discuss coin-operated networking vs. Givers Gain networking and I explain why the transactional process (I will give you this, now you have to give me that) doesn?t work because there is always a scorecard. The value of the referrals may also be the dif...

Many people have surface-level referral relationships.? They know just enough about a referral source?s business to get by.? They don?t actually know a lot about the person themselves.? They tend to say vague things like: ?They are really nice,? ?You?ll like them, they are a good pe...

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