Saturday, July 20, 2013

FGS Conference News Blog: FGS Member Society Delegate of the ...

by George G. Morgan

FGS member genealogical societies, historical societies, and family associations have a Delegate who acts as liaison between their society and FGS.

Each year at our conference, FGS selects a Delegate of the Day on Wednesday through Saturday. A certificate of recognition is awarded to those winners. Those Delegates become eligible for the selection of Delegate of the Conference. That person wins a free registration to attend the next year?s FGS Conference for someone in his or her society. This year is no exception.

FGS selects the Delegates of the Day from the conference registrations on which attendees indicated that he or she is their society?s official Delegate. Names are chosen at random from the registrations and a Delegate of the Day is named each day. Wednesday?s winner will be announced at the FGS Luncheon on Wednesday. Winners for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday will be announced over the loudspeaker in the Exhibit Hall. In case you miss that announcement, you can check the display board at the FGS booth in the Exhibit Hall. Winners will be posted there each day.

A Delegate of the Conference will be selected on Saturday from the four daily winners. He or she will win a free registration for their society for the 2014 Federation of Genealogical Societies in San Antonio, Texas, on August 27-30, 2014. The announcement of the Delegate of the Conference will be announced at the Farewell Brunch at this year?s conference on August 25, 2013, and a certificate will be awarded at that time.

FGS will also announce the names of the winners and their societies in the FGS VOICE blog, in the FGS VOICE e-newsletter, FGS FORUM, and in the FGS Conference News Blog. These announcements will include the website link for your society. It?s a great way to promote your organization both during and after the conference.

Be sure to listen for the Delegate of the Day winner announcements and check the winner board at the FGS booth in the Exhibit Hall!


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