Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Looking for a Protestant Church that is pro 2nd Amendment

As the title of this post indicates, my wife and I are looking for a Protestant Church that pro 2nd Amendment. Lately we have visited a Methodist church, and after reading the United Methodist Church position on Gun Violence have decided that we will continue our search elsewhere. I encourage all of you to read the United Methodist Church position on "gun violence" posted here{B388BE35-F62F-4FA8-8C6F-FDFCA10977F8}&notoc=1

With that being said we would prefer a more liturgical type of service, but after reading the positions of Methodists, Lutherans and Presbyterians (all anti gun) we are stumped. I don't feel that the 2nd amendment is a religion, but by the same token I am not looking to give financial support to a church that is in turn using my offerings to fuel gun control initiatives. It is all very frustrating because I grew up Methodist and am used to this type of service, unfortunately the Methodist Church along with many other denominations has become more anti gun in recent years. I would appreciate any insight or suggestions.


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